The Emergency Care and Safety Institute is our certification and curriculum partner. They are a national program that provides CPR, AED, and first aid training resources at both lay responder and professional levels. They publish curriculum for a wide range of courses, including first aid, CPR/AED, wilderness first aid, emergency medical responder, and basic life support.
ECSI programs are offered in association with two major medical organizations: the American Academy
of Orthopaedic Surgeons (AAOS) and the American College of Emergency Physicians (ACEP). They
provide medical direction to the ECSI and stand behind ECSI’s training content.
At the Denver CPR School, we chose ECSI curriculum for three big reasons:
- Curriculum quality: We are familiar with the curriculum of all the major CPR training organizations. All professional CPR training in the US should be consistent with the American Heart Association’s Emergency Cardiac Care (ECC) guidelines. While many agencies accomplish this (including ECSI), we are most impressed by the simplicity and professionalism of ECSI’s approach. Their instructional design, logical sequence, and efficient presentation make the class interesting, easy-to-teach, and more effective than other curriculum providers we have experienced.
- Affordability: ECSI’s quality is top notch but their prices are reasonable and responsible. Unfortunately, the curriculum and certification prices to many of ECSI’s competitors are crazy! We hate to see this, because it makes price a barrier to learning these critical life saving skills. By utilizing ECSI, we can provide a national certification, top notch curriculum, all at an affordable price. In many cases, using another certifying agency would force us to nearly double our prices!
- Respectablity: There are other organizations that provide CPR and first aid curriculum and certification services cheaper than ECSI. However we have not been able to find one of these that provides comparable respectability. According to ECSI, globally over 150,000 people earn an ECSI certification. With growing regulatory approvals, many licensing authorities and agencies are now accepting ECSI’s certifications to meet CPR training requirements.
For all of these reasons, we are proud to utilize ECSI curriculum and certifications at the Denver CPR
School. Our parent company, Training and Educational Development LLC, has been an authorized
education center for ECSI for years and we look forward to continuing to deliver ECSI courses for years
to come.